Sunday, July 15, 2012

Blog Awards

I started blogging less than a month ago and this has been such a great experience for me.  I can already tell that this adventure will make me a better teacher and I haven’t even gone back to school yet!  I was awarded The Versatile Blogger award by Jenny at Luckeyfrog's Lilypad as well as the One Lovely Blog Award!  

Thank you!! These are my first awards and I squealed with glee!
Here's the website for The Versatile Blooger Award.
The rules for The Versatile Blogger award are that you share 7 things about yourself and that you nominate 15 people for the award. 
1.    I secretly want to be a backup singer for a country band.
2.  I am training for a 4 mile race to raise money for breast cancer research.
3.  I am in love with my dog Mudge.
4.  I want to visit Sweden someday.
5.   I can wiggle my nose.
6.  My favorite food is my mom’s stuffing on Thanksgiving..
7.  I just bought my 17 year old son a Camero. what was I thinking?!
Here are my 15 nominees!!  Hopefully you haven't received these yet.  Please take what you haven't gotten yet.

Primary Reading Party

Teaching in the Early Years
Welcome to 2nd Grade Pad
Mrs Wheelers First Grade
First Grade Blue Skies
Heather's heart